
Termineer User Manual

Getting Started

Termineer is a self-directing AI coding engineer that operates from your terminal. To get started, you'll need to configure your API keys and understand the basic configuration options.

Required API Keys


Required for accessing Claude models, which power Termineer's core functionality. Get your API key from Anthropic


Required for web search functionality. Enables Termineer to search the web for documentation, solutions, and references. Get your API key from Google Cloud

Configuration Methods

.env File Support

Termineer supports loading configuration from .env files. Create a .env file in your project directory with your API keys:

ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=sk-ant-your-key-here GOOGLE_API_KEY=your-google-key-here

Termineer checks the following locations for .env files:

  • Current directory (./.env)
  • The env subdirectory (./env/.env)
  • Parent directory (../.env)
  • Home directory (~/.env)

Environment Variables

You can also set these as environment variables directly:

export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=sk-ant-your-key-here export GOOGLE_API_KEY=your-google-key-here

Advanced Configuration

.termineer Directory

Termineer uses a special directory structure for project-specific configuration. You can create a .termineer directory in your project root to customize behavior.

Project Information

Create an info file in the .termineer directory with project information:

# Project information: # My Awesome Project This is a description of my project that Termineer will use to understand the context. ## Technologies - Python 3.9 - Django - PostgreSQL ## Architecture The project follows a standard MVC architecture...

Model Context Protocol (MCP) - Experimental

MCP is an experimental feature that allows Termineer to interact with specialized tools and services through a protocol. This enables advanced functionalities beyond the built-in tools.

Configuring MCP Servers

MCP servers are configured using:

  • Home directory: ~/.termineer/mcp/config.json
  • Local project directory: .termineer/config.json

Configurations from both locations are merged, with local settings taking precedence.

Example MCP configuration:

{ "mcpServers": { "filesystem": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-filesystem", "/Users/username/Desktop", "/Users/username/Downloads" ], "env": { "NODE_ENV": "production", "DEBUG": "mcp:*", "API_KEY": "your-secret-key-here" } } } }

Environment Variables: You can specify environment variables to be passed to MCP servers using the env field. This is useful for setting API keys, debug modes, or other configuration without exposing them in command arguments.

Command-Line Options

Termineer supports various command-line options to customize behavior:

Option Description Example
--model Specify the AI model to use --model claude-3-haiku-20240307
--kind Specify the agent kind/template --kind researcher
--grammar Specify the grammar type (xml, markdown) --grammar xml
--no-tools Disable tools --no-tools
--thinking-budget Set thinking token budget --thinking-budget 16384

Usage Examples

Interactive mode (recommended for most uses):


Single query mode with custom model:

termineer --model claude-3-haiku-20240307 "Analyze this log file for errors"

Specialized agent kind:

termineer --kind researcher "Find best practices for API security"

TUI Mode and Commands

Termineer provides a rich Terminal User Interface (TUI) in interactive mode with keyboard shortcuts, command history, and special commands.

Command Modes

Termineer offers special command modes triggered by prefix characters:

Slash Commands Mode

Type a slash (/) followed by a command to perform special actions:

Command Description
/help Show available commands
/exit or /quit Exit the application
/interrupt Interrupt the current agent
/model MODEL Set the model for the current agent (e.g., /model claude-3-haiku-20240307)
/tools on|off Enable or disable tools
/system TEXT Set the system prompt
/reset Reset the conversation
/thinking NUMBER Set thinking budget in tokens (e.g., /thinking 10000)

Agent Selection Mode

Use the pound symbol (#) to switch between agents:

  • #ID - Switch to agent with the specified ID (e.g., #1)
  • #NAME - Switch to agent by name (e.g., #researcher)

Interrupting Operations

Termineer provides a multi-level interrupt system:

  • Ctrl+C - Interrupt the current operation (tool execution or agent processing)
  • Ctrl+C (pressed twice within 3 seconds) - Exit the application
  • /interrupt - Command to explicitly interrupt the current agent